We join efforts

so that people

experience inclusion

We provide options for the marginalized

Get involved

As organization

Develop a collaboration with a + and multiply our impact. 



Spend an hour of your time with people at risk of social exclusion. 


Help with your resources

Donate to support agape+ projects.


Some of our solutions

Street teams

Visit and support of people without a place to live.

Housing and shelter

Transitional and supportive housing for homeless men and women, and refugees.

Proyecto Tamar

We look after and support prostituted women and trafficking for labor exploitation victims.


We train groups of volunteers and offer awareness and action workshops.

With your help

we have been able to serve…


People on the street


Accepted people
A life transformed

Learn about Mikhail’s story

Every 5 days a person without a place to live dies in Spain.

47% of people without a place to live have suffered verbal or physical violence. 60% of women in this situation have suffered some type of abuse while on the street. No one deserves this behavior. Do you want to help us change this statistic?


Do you want to help us transform a life?